4 Ways To Reduce Your Fashion Footprint

4 Ways To Reduce Your Fashion Footprint

Reducing your fashion footprint is something we should all be aiming to do. Take one look at the news and we are constantly reminded about the real damage the fashion industry has on our environment, it can’t go un-missed. So what can we do to help reduce our own fashion footprint? Let’s find out. 

  1. Evaluate The Current Brands You Shop At 

Shopping from sustainable brands is a huge way that you can lower your fashion footprint. These brands have all successfully integrated environmental, economic and social issues into their business ethics, meaning that as a consumer you can shop from them knowing that their sustainable ethics aline with yours. Some UK ethical brands include: 

People TreeLevis , Blonde Gone RoguePlant FacedRapanui

    2. Shop Secondhand, Swap Clothes, and Rent

Thrifting has become a huge trend with millennials and for those who are passionate about slow fashion, this is great news. It means every generation is starting to think about the long-term effects our clothing has on the world. Second-hand shops can be found everywhere in the world and now most websites also offer second-hand options, so we have no excuse not to shop this way.

Swapping clothing has become a new initiative we’ve seen pop up over the past 24 months. People will bring clothes they no longer wear and exchange them for items they will use. The great thing about swapping is that it can be done just with your family and friends and it is a super affordable and eco-friendly way to refill your wardrobe. 

If you are a trend lover then you’ve probably heard in the news all about clothes rentals. This growing industry has seen several new companies pop up, all offering a renting service. They have grown by getting fashion influencers involved and allowing the public to rent their favourite online bloggers’ outfits. You can also rent from normal everyday people, either is a great option, especially for clothes such as your formal event dress, maternity wear, etc. 

       3. Wash Less / Air Dry Your Clothes

Washing less and allowing your clothes to air dry is a super-efficient way to help our water. The more we wash and use a dryer to organise our clothes the more we increase the microfibre pollution that enters our oceans. The issue with microfibres is that once they enter the water they cause havoc on marine animals and the environment. Scientists have recently discovered that they are one of the main causes of plastic pollution in the oceans

      4. Spend Time Repairing Your Old Items 

When your favourite old t-shirt gets a rip in instead of instantly throwing it away we suggest looking for a small business that specialises in repairs. Not only will you have your favourite t-shirt back but you will be helping a business that truly appreciates every sale. If you don’t feel like paying someone to repair your clothing, you can also get creative and use some of your own DIY skills to repair your t-shirt. 

To conclude, if everyone in the world did just one thing to reduce their fashion footprint then our environment would be in a much better place. It’s all about evaluating your current approach to fashion and making some tweaks to reduce long terms effects. 

If you are looking to take one step today why not recycle your unwanted items with us here at Collect My Clothes. Our aim is to be the hassle-free, environmentally friendly way of donating your unwanted clothing. Your goods will be exported for re-wear and a fixed amount of money per kg will be donated to your chosen partner charity. 

So to get involved and follow our three-step process to recycle your textiles, click here.